Jesus is a Dragon Slayer

Mar 17, 2024    Steve Marfia

Sermon Summary, Outline and MC Discipleship Guide

Sermon Summary

In this sermon, Pastor Steve focuses on spiritual warfare by looking at how the devil is a dragon that devours by deception but Jesus as a dragon slayer who defeats the devil. He urges believers to confront the enemy in all areas of life with the truth of the gospel. Using examples like North Korea's regime as a counterfeit kingdom, he warns of the enemy's deceptive tactics to make evil appear good. The sermon delves into biblical stories of war in heaven and Adam and Eve's fall, with Jesus emerging as the ultimate victor over darkness. Pastor Steve encourages Christians to recognize the enemy's presence, trusting in the Holy Spirit's power and the authority of Jesus to overcome personal battles.

Sermon Outline

FCF - The devil is a dragon who devours by deception.

Big Idea - Your Savior is a dragon slayer!

1.   God won His war in heaven. (Rev. 12:7-9)   

2.   Adam and Eve lost our war on earth. (Gen. 2:24-3:13)   

3.   Jesus made war on our behalf and won. (Luke 4:1-14)

PROP - Trust your Savior and win your battles!

MC Discipleship Guide

FIRST THIRD = LOOK BACK - Use up to 45 minutes to build community, caring for one another by engaging the following prompts.

1. Opening Question: If you had to choose one fictional character to be your partner in a dragon-slaying adventure, who would you pick and why?

2. Check-in on everyone and then pray. (You can ask about "highs and lows" or "struggles and excitements" or whatever works to get people sharing about their lives with one another.)

3. Pray with and for one another as the Spirit prompts you.

SECOND THIRD = LOOK UP - Take about 45 minutes to discuss some of the following questions.

4. Review and discuss the Scripture(s) and sermon from Sunday:

Q1: What are some examples of spiritual warfare in our daily lives?

Context: Pastor Steve explained that spiritual warfare affects every aspect of a Christian's life.

Application: Which aspect of your life do you experience the most spiritual warfare, and how can you rely on the power of Jesus to overcome it?

Q2: How can we discern the lies and deceptions of the enemy?

Context: Pastor Steve encourages people to identify deceptions based on their own stories and experiences.

Application: What lies or deceptive thoughts have you identified in your own life, and how can you confront them with the truth of the gospel?

Q3: Why is it significant that Jesus won the war on earth on behalf of humanity?

Context: Pastor Steve explains that Jesus defeated the enemy through his life, death, and resurrection, overcoming the sin that started with Adam and Eve.

Application: How does knowing that Jesus has already won the war against the enemy affect your personal relationship with Him and your approach to spiritual warfare?

Q4: What does it mean for Christians to have the authority of Jesus in defeating their enemies?

Context: In the sermon, Pastor Steve lists reasons why Christians can win against the enemy, including the authority of Jesus to defeat demonic attacks.

Application: How can you practically exercise the authority of Jesus in your life and stand against the enemy's lies and deceptions?

THIRD THIRD = LOOK FORWARD - Take the last 30 minutes to pray and discuss how God is calling each person to live on mission with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit in the upcoming week.

5. Is there something specific from the Scriptures, sermon or discussion that God wants you to share with someone in your life? What is it and who does He want you to share with?

6. How will you live out the missional BLESS rhythms in the week ahead?

7. Do you or someone you know have a need that we can serve this week?

*BLESS Rhythms are practical ways in which disciples of Jesus live on mission, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

BEGIN WITH PRAYER: Start each day by praying and listening to the Spirit. Continue listening to the Spirit throughout the day, living surrendered to Jesus as your Savior and King.

LISTEN: Listen attentively to the Spirit's guidance and to those you encounter where you live, learn, work and hang out.

EAT and/or DRINK: Build friendships with non-believers by sharing meals or drinks together, fostering connections and opportunities for meaningful conversations.

SERVE: Look for ways to serve your neighbors, coworkers, and those around you, demonstrating the love of Jesus through acts of kindness and compassion.

SHARE: Boldly share the gospel message and your personal testimony with those you engage with, expressing your faith with confidence and sincerity.