Cleansed from Defilement

Apr 14, 2024    Steve Marfia

Below find a summary, outline and MC discussion guide from this sermon.

Sermon Summary:

In "Cleansed from Defilement", Pastor Steve discusses spiritual warfare and the impact of defilement on believers' lives. The sermon stresses the need for a balanced view of spiritual warfare, neither overemphasizing nor neglecting it. Defilement is explored, with examples given of its various forms and how Christ offers cleansing and righteousness. Believers are encouraged to confront their defilement, seek Christ's cleansing, and rely on the support of Christian community in this spiritual battle.

Sermon Outline:

FCF - Satan wants us to wear our defilement.

Big Idea - Jesus cleanses us from defilement and clothes us with his righteousness

MC Discipleship Guide:

FIRST THIRD = LOOK BACK - Use up to 45 minutes to build community by caring for one another.

1. Opening Question: What's the funniest movie or TV show you've ever watched that never fails to make you laugh?

2. Check-in on everyone. (You can ask about "highs and lows" or "struggles and excitements" or whatever works to get people sharing about their lives with one another.)

3. Pray with and for one another as the Spirit prompts you.

SECOND THIRD = LOOK UP - Take about 45 minutes to review and discuss the Scripture(s) and sermon from Sunday:

4. It's important for Christians to neither overemphasize nor neglect spiritual warfare in our daily lives. Instead, we are to live in the tension that acknowledges enemy activity without inappropriately blaming the enemy for what we may be responsible for.

Q: What steps can you personally take to ensure that you are maintaining a healthy perspective on spiritual warfare in your life?

5. We are responsible for addressing and dealing with our own sin and defilement. The good news is that Jesus doesn't make us do that alone nor does fail to comfort or empower us for the journey.

Q: What area or situation in your life do you feel may be defiled, and how can you invite Jesus to cleanse and restore you in that area?

6. Gospel community is essential to healthy Christian living and to ongoing transformation in Christ. This is one major reason that we prioritize MC's at Legacy 242.

Q: How can you cultivate vulnerability and support within Legacy 242 and your MC to help one another in the battle against defilement?

THIRD THIRD = LOOK FORWARD - Take the last 30 minutes to pray and discuss how God is calling each person to live on mission with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit in the upcoming week.

7. Is there something specific from the Scriptures, sermon or discussion that God wants you to share with someone in your life? What is it and who does He want you to share with?

8. How will you live out the missional BLESS rhythms in the week ahead?

9. Do you or someone you know have a need that we can serve this week?

*BLESS Rhythms are practical ways in which disciples of Jesus live on mission, empowered by the Holy Spirit in their daily lives.

BEGIN WITH PRAYER: Start each day by praying and listening to the Spirit. Continue listening to the Spirit throughout the day, living surrendered to Jesus as your Savior and King.

LISTEN: Listen attentively to the Spirit's guidance and to those you encounter where you live, learn, work and play.

EAT and/or DRINK: Build friendships with others by sharing meals or drinks together, fostering connections and opportunities for meaningful conversations.

SERVE: Look for practical ways to serve your neighbors, co-workers, and those around you, demonstrating the love of Jesus through acts of kindness and compassion.

SHARE: Boldly share the gospel message and your personal testimony with those you engage with, expressing your faith with confidence and sincerity.