Our Weapon of Mass Destruction

Sep 17, 2017    Steve Marfia

This is a throwback sermon from September 2017

FCF: We will live in misery when we neglect what is spiritual.

Matt. 4:8-10

   Who or what you worship is the greatest determining factor in your life.

   Worship is our most powerful weapon - it is our weapon of mass devil destruction.

Big Idea: Our worship is a weapon of mass destruction.

Corporate worship = the people of God, in the presence of God, giving praise to God.

Revelation 4:1 - the people of God

Revelation 4:2-8 - the presence of God

1st century: people sat on floor reclining

   thrones were for:

1) priests - mediate between God & people

            2) kings who rule and reign over kingdom

            3) warriors celebrated as triumphant

Our Jesus is all THREE

expound Rev. 4:2-8 - worship event, senses engaged

    *all truth, all grace, all life, all redemption comes from the throne

Where does your identity come from?

Romans 1:18-25 - alcohol, drugs, work, shopping, codependency, sports teams

“Everyone who worships anything other than the God of the Bible ends in misery because that is idolatry.” -Mark Driscoll

Revelation 4:8-11 - Praise to God

   3 elements of worship = singing, surrendering, & stewarding

      - singing - a spiritual activity and act of war that says “our King reigns!”

      - surrendering - a key to worship - get off your throne, face down is what we do               when we stop sinning - God doesn't need your worship - you do!

                        You are the problem, not the solution

      - stewarding - crown reps power & wealth - who/what you give it to says more               about what you worship than anything else - Matt. 6:21

Why does God demand so much from me?

   … why has God given so much to me?

All of life is worship - and all of life is spiritual - worship is a declaration of war against our enemy - worship is a cry of excitement that our King is victorious - EVERYTHING we do is an act of worship

   -Do you sing to HIM?

   -Are you surrendering your life to HIM?

   -Are you stewarding all that have for HIM?

Prop: Worship Jesus as Lord, King, and Savior with all your life.